var __cc_version=4.201;//3.1; var __cc_urlbase='/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/'; var __cc_strings={ "CuteChat_Messenger":"Cute Web Messenger" , "UI_MENU_AddContact":"Add Contact" , "UI_MENU_RemoveContact":"Remove Contact" , "UI_MENU_ViewProfile":"View Profile" , "UI_MENU_Block":"Block User" , "UI_MENU_UnBlock":"Unblock User" , "UI_MENU_ChatWith":"Send a Message" , "UI_MENU_TargetAll":"To All" , "UI_MENU_Clear":"Clear" , "UI_MENU_SaveMessages":"Save the chat log" , "UI_MENU_EmailMessages":"Email the chat log" , "UI_MENU_ReloadMessages":"Reload" , "UI_MENU_Invite":"Invite" , "UI_MENU_Kick":"Kick" , "UI_MENU_TargetIt":"Talk to" , "UI_MENU_AutoScroll":"Auto Scroll" , "UI_MENU_StopScroll":"Stop Scroll" , "UI_MENU_Online":"Online" , "UI_MENU_Away":"Away" , "UI_MENU_Busy":"Busy" , "UI_MENU_Blocked":"Blocked" , "UI_MENU_ShowMyCamera":"Turn My Camera On" , "UI_MENU_SentList":"History" , "UI_MENU_Admin":"Admin" , "UI_MENU_SetPassword":"Set Password" , "UI_MENU_DisableAnonymous":"Disable Anonymous" , "UI_MENU_LockChannel":"Lock Channel" , "UI_MENU_UnLockChannel":"UnLock Channel" , "UI_MENU_Contacts":"Contacts" , "UI_MENU_Exit":"Exit" , "UI_MENU_Signout":"Sign Out" , "UI_MENU_SignIn":"Sign in" , "UI_MENU_File":"File" , "UI_MENU_DeleteAll":"Delete All" , "UI_MENU_OfflineMessage":"Offline Message" , "UI_Menu_GoAdminPage":"Go to admin page" , "UI_PROMPT_ENABLEANONYMOUS":"Allow Anonymous users" , "UI_Menu_Connect":"Connect" , "UI_Menu_Disconnect":"Disconnect" , "UI_MENU_OnThePhone":"On The Phone" , "UI_MENU_OutToLunch":"Out To Lunch" , "UI_MENU_AppearOffline":"Invisible" , "UI_USER_Users":"Users" , "UI_USER_Online":"" , "UI_USER_Away":"(Away)" , "UI_USER_Busy":"(Busy)" , "UI_USER_OutToLunch":"(Out To Lunch)" , "UI_USER_OnThePhone":"(On The Phone)" , "UI_USER_Offline":"(Offline)" , "UI_USER_AppearOffline":"(Offline)" , "UI_Whisper":"Whisper" , "UI_PROMPT_KICKUSER":"Are you sure you want to kick this user out of the current channel?" , "UI_Unknown":"(Unknown)" , "UI_ChatCommands":"Chat Commands" , "UI_FloodControlTitle":"Flood Control" , "UI_FloodControlMessage":"You can\x27t send so many messages in a short time. Please wait a few seconds before sending another message." , "UI_AreYouSureQuit":"Are you sure that want to close the conversation?" , "UI_AreYouSureQuitMessenger":"Are you sure that you want to quit Web Messenger?" , "UI_AreYouSureDisconnect":"Are you sure you want to disconnect from the chat?" , "UI_popupblocked":"Pop-up blocker detected." , "CANTNOTWHISPERTONOTARGET":"Please select a specific user to whisper." , "UI_CONNECTION_CONNECTING":"Please wait, connecting to server..." , "UI_CONNECTION_ERROR":"The connection to the chat server is lost. {0}" , "UI_CONNECTION_READY":"Connected!" , "UI_CONNECTION_Disconnect":"You\x27re disconnected." , "UI_CONNECTION_CANCELLED":"Connection Cancelled." , "UI_CONNECTION_NOTENABLE":"Connection failed. Server is not ready." , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedName":"Please choose a nickname for yourself to begin chatting. Your nickname will identify you to other users in the chat room. Nicknames can be a maximum of 20 characters long, must begin with a letter and cannot contain spaces or the characters." , "UI_CONNECTION_NEEDLOGIN":"Anonymous Users are not allowed in this application. You must sign in this website first." , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedName_Title":"Guest Name" , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedName_Message":"Please type your name." , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedPassword":"Password is required." , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedPassword_Title":"Password" , "UI_CONNECTION_NeedPassword_Message":"This channel is password protected. Please input the password of this channel." , "UI_CONNECTION_Kick":"You have been kicked out of this channel." , "UI_CONNECTION_Locked":"This chat room has been locked. Please wait for the moderator to accept you." , "UI_CONNECTION_MissingNickName":"The nickname field is empty." , "UI_CONNECTION_MissingPassword":"The password field is empty." , "UI_CONNECTION_ShortNickName":"Your nickname is too short." , "UI_CONNECTION_LongNickName":"Your nickname is too long." , "UI_CONNECTION_NOPLACE":"The server is reset and this chat room is deleted. Please close the window and try again." , "UI_CONNECTION_REMOVED":"You are removed from the channel due to inactivity." , "UI_CONNECTION_REJECTED":"The server have rejected your connection." , "UI_CONNECTION_NOCONNECTION":"The connection to the chat server is lost." , "UI_CONNECTION_IDEXISTS":"You are already logged in this chat application. A new connection cannot be established." , "UI_CONNECTION_INQUEUE":"This chat room is full. Please choose another room." , "UI_USER_JOIN":"{0} joined the room." , "UI_USER_LEAVE":"{0} left this room." , "UI_USER_KICK":"{0} has been kicked away." , "UI_USER_DROP":"{0} left the room." , "UI_USER_BLOCK":"{0} has been blocked!" , "UI_USER_UNBLOCK":"{0} has been unblocked!" , "UI_USER_ADD":"{0} has been added to your contact list." , "UI_USER_REMOVE":"{0} has been removed from your contact list." , "UI_USER_EXPIRED":"{0} was removed from the channel due to inactivity." , "UI_USER_HELLO":"{0} say hello to everyone in the room." , "UI_USER_LOGINMESSENGER":"{0} has logged in to the messenger." , "UI_USER_LOGOFFMESSENGER":"{0} has logged off from the messenger." , "UI_USER_UPDATE":"{0} has updated the profile." , "UI_USER_ADDED":"{0} joined the room." , "UI_USER_REMOVED_BYCLIENT":"{0} left this room." , "UI_USER_REMOVED_KICK":"{0} has been kicked away." , "UI_USER_REMOVED_EXPIRED":"{0} was removed from the channel due to inactivity." , "UI_USER_REMOVED_IDLE":"{0} was removed from the channel due to inactivity." , "UI_USER_RENAME":"{0}\x27s username is changed to {1}." , "UI_ADMIN_NOTADMIN":"Only the admin can perform this function." , "UI_INVALIDIDENTITY":"You are not authorized to perform the current operation." , "UI_CONTACT_Detach":"" , "Select":"Select" , "DisplayName":"User Name" , "Search":"Search" , "SearchResults":"Search Results" , "UI_CONTACT_NotContact":"Non Contact" , "UI_CONTACT_CantAddSelf":"You can\x27t add yourself." , "UI_CONTACT_FinishAddContact":"This user has been added into your contacts." , "UI_CONTACT_SelectContact":"Please search for friends by name, email or gender." , "UI_CONTACT_AddContact_subTitle":"Type the name of the person you want to add:" , "UI_CONTACT_TargeAnonymous":"Target is an anonymous user!" , "UI_CONTACT_AnonymousCantAddContact":"Anonymous user cannot perform this function." , "FileformatNotsupported":"Cannot upload the file. The File format is not allowed." , "My_USER_BLOCK":"You have been blocked by the target user!" , "UI_NewMessage":"New Message" , "UI_Message":"Message" , "UI_UserMessageBlocked":"You have received a new message from {0}. The chat window has been blocked by your Pop-up blocker, please click OK to open it." , "UI_UnknownSplashCommand":"Command \x27{0}\x27 is not supported by system." , "UI_WindowBlocked":"A new chat window has been blocked, please click OK to open it." , "UI_DisableAutoFocus":"Disable Focus" , "UI_EnableAutoFocus":"Auto Focus" , "UI_DisableSound":"Disable Sounds" , "UI_EnableSound":"Play sounds" , "UI_InvitePrivate":"Private Chat" , "UI_INVITEPRIVATECHAT":"{0} invites you to join a private channel." , "UI_AvatarDialogSubTitle":"Avatars are small icons or graphics that represent you. Select the Avatar you like from the following list. " , "UI_SendAsOffline":"Your message has been sent as an offline message." , "UI_FeatureDisabled":"This feature has been disabled by the system administrator!" , "UI_Send_NoFile":"Please select a file to send!" , "UI_Send_a_File_subTitle":"Select a file to send, then click send button." , "MaxFileSizeMustBeLessThan":"Maximum file upload size is set to " , "UI_Send_UploadSuccessfully":"File uploaded successfully!" , "UI_AllowedFiles":"Allowed file types:" , "UI_Bold":"Bold" , "UI_Italic":"Italic" , "UI_Underline":"Underline" , "UI_Help":"Help" , "UI_ControlPanel":"Control Panel" , "UI_Emotion":"Insert Emotions" , "UI_FontColor":"Font Color" , "UI_Avatar":"Pick an avatar" , "UI_ChangePicture":"Change your display picture" , "UI_PlaySound":"Play sounds" , "UI_SelectSkin":"Select a skin" , "UI_Font":"Font" , "UI_Size":"Size" , "UI_Close":"Close" , "UI_Print":"Print" , "IEonly_Feature":"This feature is only available to users running Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and above." , "CantSaytoYourself":"To send a private message, you must select someone other than yourself." , "TargetUserNotOnline":"The target user is not online." , "PrivateChatTitle":"Private Chat" , "Details":"Error Details" , "NotInvited":"Access denied! You haven\x27t been invited to join this channel." , "NumPeoplesChatting":"people chatting" , "CommandPtopOnly":"That Command can only be used in the private window." , "CantInviteSelf":"You can\x27t invite yourself." , "TargetUserInvalid":"Invalid target user name." , "YouCantInvite":"Only the creator of this channel can invite users to join." , "DenyPrivateMessage":"Private messages are not allowed in this chat channel." , "DenyPrivateModerateMode":"Private messages are not allowed in the Moderate Mode." , "ConnectedUsingNewPC":"has rejoined the channel." , "UI_Loading":"Loading" , "OK":"OK" , "CANCEL":"Cancel" , "UI_SEND":"Send" , "MessageNotSend":"Message Could Not Be Sent!" , "MsgMessageContainsBadWord":"Your message contains a \x22bad\x22 word: " , "NickNameIsExists":"Nickname already exists." , "YouAreRejected":"You are rejected." , "YouAreNotConnect":"You haven\x27t connect to the channel." , "YouCantGetin":"You can\x27t get into the chat channel." , "YouAreNotModerator":"You are not the moderator of the channel." , "NoModerators":"No Moderators." , "WrongPassword":"Wrong Password - Enter Again!" , "TargetUserNotPtop":"rejected the private chat request." , "TargetUserAlreadyHere":"The target user is online." , "SpecifyUserName":"Specify a user name" , "AnonymousCantChangeAvatar":"Anonymous users are not allowed to change avatar." , "CommandChannelOnly":"The Command can only be used in the channel. " , "NoManagerWindow":"No management window are available." , "NoAccountInfo":"Account Information Not Found!" , "IPAddressRejected":"The IP address is rejected." , "WordExceededMaxLen":"One word in your message exceeded the maximum length of a single word" , "MsgExceededMaxLen":"Message exceeded the maximum length of a message" , "MsgUserExpired":"Connection Expired." , "MsgUserTryJoinChannel":"is requesting to get into the channel." , "MsgChooseAvatar":"Choose Avatar" , "MsgAvatarChanged":"Your avatar has been changed." , "MsgCommandError":"Command Error" , "MsgCommandUnknown":"Unknown Command" , "ConnectionRejected":"Connection rejected." , "RequirePassword":"Password Required" , "MessageSendFailed":"Failed to Send Message!" , "SelectChannel":"Select a channel" , "NickNameRestriction":"Please choose a nickname for yourself to begin chatting. Your nickname will identify you to other users in the chat channel. Nicknames can be a maximum of 20 characters long, must begin with a letter and cannot contain spaces or the following characters: ! @ # $ % ( ) + = \x27 \x22 ; : \x3C \x3E ? \x26 /." , "GuestNameMessage":"Nicknames can be a maximum of 20 characters long, must begin with a letter and cannot contain spaces or the following characters: ! @ # $ % ( ) + = \x27 \x22 ; : \x3C \x3E ? \x26 / . Please choose a new nickname to begin chatting." , "PleaseInputChannelPassword":"Please input channel password" , "ChatPtopWelcomeMessage":"You have join in the private chat channel. Please wait for other chatters to join." , "Name":"Name:" , "Email":"Email:" , "Enquiry":"Message:" , "Subject":"Subject:" , "Question":"Question:" , "Department":"Department:" , "ExpiredTask":"Task Expired." , "StartChat":"Start Chat..." , "Feedback":"Post Feedback" , "Send_a_File":"Send a file" , "MSG_TO":" to " , "WHISPER_TO":" whisper " , "Connect_Cancel":"Cancel" , "IsNotOnline":"is not online." , "TargetBusyTryagain":"is busy. Please try again." , "Conversations":"Conversations" , "NoConversations":"No active conversations" , "NoOnlineContacts":"All of your contacts are offline." , "NoOfflineContacts":"No offline contacts." , "ViewUserProfile_Title":"Viewing user\x27s profile" , "UI_SpecifyInviteName":"Type the name of the person you want to invite:" , "UI_SelectName":"Select the person that you want to invite:" , "UI_USER_TYPING":" is typing a message." , "UI_LeaveMessage":"Please leave a message" , "NumberOnly":"Please enter a valid number." , "ModeratorList":"Moderators:" , "ModeratorList_subTitle":"A Room Moderator is responsible for ensuring that the rules of the room are observed. Moderators can kick, ban and quiet disruptive users that abuse the program. " , "OperatorList":"Operator List:" , "OperatorList_subTitle":"You can add as many operators to the system as required." , "UI_ChangeName":"Change display name" , "UI_SetMaxUsers":"Set Max Online" , "UI_PROMPT_CHANNELMAXONLINE":"Set the maximum number of chatters allowed in this room" , "UI_Menu_OpenModeratorMode":"Open Moderate Chat Mode" , "UI_Menu_CloseModeratorMode":"Turn off Moderate Chat Mode" , "UI_MENU_UnDenyIPs":"Unban IPs" , "UI_MENU_UnKickUsers":"Unkick Users" , "UI_MENU_CheckIP":"Check IP" , "UI_MENU_DenyIP":"Ban IP" , "UI_PROMPT_DENYUSERIP":"Are you sure you want to ban the IP of that user ?" , "UI_PROMPT_CHANNELPASSWORD":"Please specify a password or leave blank if you want to clear it." , "UI_MessageHistory":"Message History" , "InputRequired":"Input Required:" , "UI_SENDEMAILOK":"Your e-mail was sent successfully!" , "UI_Buzz":"Nudge" , "UI_SendFile":"Send File" , "UI_History":"View message history" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel":"Role" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel_Silence":"Silence" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel_Normal":"Normal" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel_VIP":"VIP" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel_Speaker":"Speaker" , "UI_Menu_UserLevel_Moderator":"Moderator" , "UI_USER_JOIN_MODERATE":"{0} is requesting to enter this chat room." , "UI_MESSAGE_SETAUTOAWAY":"The application automatically set your presence status to Away because you are inactive for a long time." , "UI_CONTACT_ADDED":"User {0} has been added into your contact list successfully." , "UI_CONTACT_REMOVED":"User {0} has been removed from your contact list successfully." , "UI_IGNORE_ADDED":"User {0} has been added into your block list successfully." , "UI_IGNORE_REMOVED":"User {0} has been removed from your block list successfully." , "InvalidActionWhenAppearOffline":"You cannot send a message when your status is offline." , "MODERATEMESSAGEACCEPTED":"You message has been accepted." , "MODERATEMESSAGEREJECTED":"You message has been rejected." , "UI_INPUTEMAILADDRESS":"Please input your email address." , "UI_AdminModerateModeEntering":"This is a moderated chat room. That means that your messages won\x27t appear until a moderator approves it." , "UI_AdminModerateModeStart":"Moderator activated moderated chat function. That means that your messages won\x27t appear until a moderator approves it. " , "UI_AdminModerateModeEnd":"Moderator disabled moderated-chat function, you can free chat now." , "UI_AdminLockRoomEntering":"This chat room has been locked. Regular users need be approved before joining this room." , "UI_AdminLockRoom":"This chat room has been locked. Please wait for the moderator to accept you." , "UI_AdminUnLockRoom":"This chat room has been unlocked." , "UI_MENU_Tools":"Tools" , "UI_MENU_ChangeInstantAvatar":"Change My Avatar" , "UI_BLOCKED":"Blocked" , "UI_ALERT":"System Alert" , "ADDCONTACT_INVALIDNAME":"Username not found!" , "FEEDBACKEMAILTITLEFORMAT":"{0} sent an Offline Message. Title: {2}" , "FEEDBACKEMAILCONTENTFORMAT":"User Name:{0}\x0A\x0DEmail Address:{1}\x0A\x0DTitle:{2}\x0A\x0D\x0A\x0DDetails:\x0A\x0D{3}" , "INVALIDARGUMENT":"Invalid argument." , "INVALIDIDENTITY":"Invalid identity." , "INVALIDCOMMAND":"Invalid command." , "INVALIDTARGET":"The specified user is currently offline or does not exist." , "INVATEOBJECT":"Invalid object." , "INVATESTATUS":"Invalid status." , "UI_USER_PARTIAL":"(Browsing)" , "ChannelNameRequired":"Chat Room Name is required." , "UI_PersonalMessage":"Enter a personal message" , "UI_ChangeStatus":"Change your status" , "UI_ChangeDescription":"Change your description" , "UI_SortContacts":"Sort your contacts" , "TypeGroupName":"Please type group name." , "GroupAlreadyExists":"Group already exists." , "AddNewGroup":"Create a group" , "RenameGroup":"Edit a group" , "DeleteGroup":"Delete group" , "HideContactsinGroup":"Hide the contacts in this group. Right-click to rename or delete this group." , "ShowContactsinGroup":"Show the contacts in this group." , "NoContactsinGroup":"No contacts in this group." , "ChangePictureSize":"Change Picture Size" , "ShowLargeIcon":"Show Large Picture " , "ShowSmallIcon":"Show Small Picture" , "ShowMediumIcon":"Show Medium Picture" , "SortByStatus":"Sort by status" , "SortByGroup":"Sort by group" , "MoveToGroup":"Move to group" , "Default":"(Default)" , "ShowWebCam":"Show your webcam" , "Says":"says:" , "Next":"Next" , "HideDisplayPictures":"Hide the participant\x27s display pictures" , "ShowDisplayPictures":"Show the participant\x27s display pictures" , "UI_MSG_UnKickUsers":"All previously kicked users are allowed to participate in the chat room again. " , "UI_MSG_UnBanIPs":"All previously banned IPs are allowed to participate in the chat room again. " , "GoNextLine":"Press Shift+Enter to go to the next line" , "TypeQuestion":"Please type your question here" , "CreateQuestion":"Create the question-answer pair" , "Accept":"Accept" , "FlashChatNotAvailable":"Video server is not available!" , "UI_Support_Ready":"Agent {0} has received your message and will be right with you." , "UI_Support_Wait":"Please wait while we route your call to the next available agent who will help you with your question: \x22{0}\x22." , "UI_Support_NOAGENT":"No agent online! Please leave an offline message." , "UI_Support_Title":"Live Support" , "UI_Support_Welcome":"Thank you for contacting us. To serve you better please provide the following information:" , "__end":"__end" }; var __cc_strings2={}; for(var __cc_strname in __cc_strings) { __cc_strings2[__cc_strname]=__cc_strings[__cc_strname]; } for(var __cc_strname in __cc_strings2) { __cc_strings[__cc_strname.toLowerCase()]=__cc_strings[__cc_strname]; __cc_strings[__cc_strname.toUpperCase()]=__cc_strings[__cc_strname]; } //this==window var __cc_global=this; for(var __cc_strname in __cc_strings) { __cc_global["TEXT_"+__cc_strname]=__cc_strings[__cc_strname]; } function GetString(name) { if(!name)return ""; var upper=name.toUpperCase(); var v=__cc_strings[upper]; if(v!=null) return v; v=__cc_global["TEXT_"+upper]; if(v!=null) return v; //return "[("+name+")]"; return name; } function TEXT(text) { text=GetString(text); for(var i=1;i < arguments.length;i++) { var item=""+arguments[i]; text=text.split('{'+(i-1)+'}').join(item); } return text; } function _CCTEXT(text,prefix) { if(prefix) { return GetString(prefix+"_"+text) || text; } return GetString(text) || text; } var ReplaceStrings_RE=/\[\[([^\[]+)\]\]/ig; function ReplaceStrings(val) { if(typeof(val)!="string")return val; val=val.replace(ReplaceStrings_RE,ReplaceStrings_Match); return val; } function ReplaceStrings_Match(text,quoted,index) { return GetString(quoted) } //TODO:load the setting of current user .. var SkinName="Normal"; var SkinNames=[]; var SkinTexts=[]; SkinNames[SkinNames.length]="Normal"; SkinTexts[SkinTexts.length]="Normal"; SkinNames[SkinNames.length]="Royale"; SkinTexts[SkinTexts.length]="Royale"; SkinNames[SkinNames.length]="MacWhite"; SkinTexts[SkinTexts.length]="MacWhite"; SkinNames[SkinNames.length]="Indigo"; SkinTexts[SkinTexts.length]="Indigo"; var skin_found=false; for(var i=0;i